Adult Classes

Discipleship Hour Classes

We have several adult classes that meet weekly, most during our 10am Sunday Discipleship hour.
Room 314
This group is for anyone at any stage or phase of life who desires to meet new people and form deeper connections with others at Trinity! We will be using 6-8 week video series for our content - you don't have to be available all of the weeks in order to participate! This is an intergenerational space where we can learn from each other.
McClure Bible Study
This class is for all who wish to learn more about the Bible, how to study it, and how to apply these teachings to our personal lives. Lessons are coordinated and led by Dr. Lou Cei, assisted by other excellent teachers within the class. Singles and couples of every age are welcome. The class sponsors the Third Grade and Kindergarten Bible programs, and several other church-wide projects each year. 
Christian Conversations
Room 324
Come join us as we reflect on today’s sermon and lectionary. We have great discussions as we continue the conversation from worship, digging deeper as we seek to apply God’s word to our lives. We are a multi-generational class. Everyone is welcome. 
Christian Beliefs
Room 323
This multi-generational class discusses current world and biblical events as they relate to our individual faith journeys, and how we, as Christians, live our beliefs and influence our world. We incorporate historic materials and diverse contemporary authors’ perspectives in our discussions, and often use DVD presentations from Adam Hamilton, Ray Vander Laan, Amy-Jill Levine, and others, to provoke stimulating discussions. Food, socializing, and supportive friendships are our joy and strength. Please come join us – we’re saving a place for you. 
Ordinary People
Room 319
This class enjoys lively discussions as we teach and inspire Christian living. We use open discussion, Christian literature, videos, and guest speakers to inform and deepen our faith. This class is led by Mike Dishman and supported by numerous class members. Our class participates in several hands-on mission opportunities as well as in social events outside of class. Ages range from 50 and older. 
Room 322
Pathfinders is a class for young individuals and young families at all stages of their faith journeys. Our class offers opportunities for members to get to know other families in similar stages of life and to share day-to-day experiences with each other in an open and trusting environment. Through faith sharing we strive to build lasting relationships with God and each other that grow inside and outside the walls of Trinity. We are a discussion-based class, and typically follow religious literature that requires little to no reading or work outside of class participation. We regularly have guest speakers and leaders from throughout the church. We also get together regularly for social events including cook-outs, game watching parties, and informal dinners. 
Room 317
This class welcomes adults of all ages who are interested in reading books that illuminate, challenge and deepen their faith. Class members read a chapter or two each week and discuss the reading on Sunday morning. Examples of authors we’ve read in the past include C.S. Lewis, Henri Nouwen, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, William Willimon and James Moore. Class members participate regularly in church sponsored mission activities. 
Contemporary Class
Room 321
This class explores social, ethical and theological issues as reflected in the Bible, history, personal experiences and modern writings. Class members teach through lectures, slides, videos and spirited discussions – always seeking to bring contemporary relevance to the expression of their Christian faith. This group ranges in age from forty to over ninety, and members participate in hands-on mission projects as well as social events. We welcome new members. 
Outreach Class
Room 310
Outreach is a class with a mix of singles and couples. The class uses planning sessions in January, May and September to develop their lesson themes, plan social outings and identify areas for participation in community outreach. Lesson themes cover a variety of topics from Cokesbury series, guest speakers and Bible study. Social outings range from hikes in Virginia, gatherings at local restaurants, the annual Progressive Dinner during the Christmas season, and a Super Bowl party. Community outreach has focused on families with young children for Christmas, providing basic necessities for refugee families in Richmond, and supporting church sponsored mission trips. Annually, the class sponsors and organizes the Veterans Pancake Breakfast and the Outreach Summer Forum. 
Room 309
What's more important - faith or works? This class thinks both work well together! Join us as we learn about God in our lives as we share our life events together. Class lessons are lively and stimulate thinking about the role of Christianity in our lives, our roles in the community, modern cultural issues, and religious concepts. Class members get together outside of class for service projects, cook-outs, and more. New members are always welcome!

Additional classes coming up

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