The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

John 1:5
good friday-darkness

Hope keeps us going. A life without hope lacks drive and willpower. 

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” This simply worded statement is endlessly powerful in its implications, especially in a world that seems to promote the ruthless at the expense of the meek.

It’s easy to succumb, to become cynical, to lose hope, and to believe the lie that love is a naive, weak, and losing cause. Voices of hatred, war, meanness, and deception seem to dominate the airwaves, and blatant corruption is rarely held accountable. Too often the loudest, most brazen voices are promoted, while the sensible, still-small-voices of reason and compassion go unheard (or worse face ridicule and scorn). 

But the good news of the resurrection proclaims that love ultimately reigns supreme (even though it may not always seem so). Even when it seems the powers of darkness, meanness, pettiness, and bigotry have successfully stamped out the fires of love, from the ashes, stubborn embers keep glowing.

The sacred story of Lent and Easter stubbornly insists that divine justice is not just wishful thinking. Divine justice will roll down, and the pure in heart will commune with God. The resurrection declares once and for all that the light of love will ultimately conquer even the darkest night of our fallen humanity.

So, take heart. Keep shining the light of love. Christ is risen yesterday, today, and forever. Hope is alive (and stubborn)!

Aaron Miller

the sanctuary in darkness