Family Game Night

Family Game Night

We had a multi-generational evening of fun on January 22: Family Game Night! We gathered in Trinity Hall at 5:00 PM for dinner together, then spent time in games together, starting at 6:00 PM. We had a great turnout and everyone had a fantastic time goofiing off together.

Concert by The Virginians Barbershop Chorus!

Concert by The Virginians Barbershop Chorus!

Trinity’s Young at Heart invites you to a concert of The Virginians Barbershop Chorus.

Sunday, February 19, 2 – 3:30 p.m.

Come and listen to one of the best vocal groups in central Virginia! Refreshments will be available, and a love offering will be taken. Bring a friend!!

Pub Theology

Pub Theology

Pub Theology meets monthly, generously hosted at Waygone Brewery, at 10610 Patterson Ave, Stuite 12. We meet in the brewery’s community room to the right just inside the main entrance. Come for the fellowship and conversation about a topic of interest.

Our start time will be 6 PM. Trinity will provide pizza, and we request that each person contribute $5.00 to help offset the cost. Sampling the brewery’s offerings in on your own.

A Trinity staff member or a volunteer from the congregation will present a topic for discussion each month. Our projected dates are February 20, March 12, April 16, May 14, and June 18. We hope you will consider joining us.


St. Paul and the Corinthian Church

St. Paul and the Corinthian Church

Tuesday, January 10

10am – Room 324

Join Trinity’s United Women in Faith to hear Dr. James P. McCullough, Jr. (Jim) discuss Paul’s correspondence with the Corinthian Church.  He will mainly focus on the familiar chapter of I Corinthians 13. Like St. Paul, we face the same challenges in Trinity United Methodist Church when it comes to building a Community of Faith that is relevant to today’s humanity. 

You may also attend via Zoom:

Better Together!

Better Together!

Small Groups and Classes for Adults 

3M to Study “Words of Life”

Our Wednesday Night Study Group, 3M, will study “Words of Life” by Adam Hamilton beginning Wednesday, January 4.  In this book of Scripture and inspiration, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings modern eyes to the most important set of ethics in history – the Ten Commandments. Adam considers the commandments in their historical context, considering the meaning of each commandment in Hebrew, unpacking how Jesus reinterpreted them, and showing how every thou-shalt-not was intended to point to a life-giving “thou shalt.”

This 10-week study will go through Wednesday, March 15 (skipping February 22 ,  Ash Wednesday).   Our class meets 6-7:30 p.m. both in person and on Zoom.  Book are available through Cokesbury for $18.29.  Contact Judy Oguich ( to register and to get the Zoom link. 

We would love for you to join us!

Seekers Class

The Chronicles of Narnia is a young adult fantasy series with a Christian subtext written in the 1950s by C. S. Lewis. Many are familiar with the best known book in the series The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The Seekers Book Discussion group will be reading the series together, beginning January 8th. We meet in Room 317 on Sunday mornings at 10 am. Please join us if you are interested in exploring this series! We will begin with the book, The Magician’s Nephew on January 8, and follow with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. If you have questions, please contact Elizabeth Dwyer at

Pastor’s Bible Study, Genesis: Not the Sunday School Version!

Pastor Brian is leading another Pastor’s Bible Study. Sessions will be in-person on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 PM starting January 11. Another time slot may be added as needed. The study will be: Genesis: NOT the Sunday School Version! The schedule is listed at here

Discovering Trinity (New Membership Class)

We invite anyone who wishes to become a member of Trinity UMC to join Discovering Trinity Class. We will study with a book, “The Walk,” written by Adam Hamilton, and share an understanding of our beliefs, history, practices, and expectations and build a sense of belonging and community.

When: Sunday mornings, 10:15 AM, January 15 through February 5 (4 weeks) Where: Library

RSVP to Pastor Hung Su Lim ( by January 8.

Contemporary Class

 Matthew King will be speaking to the Contemporary Class on January 22 and 29. Ensign Matthew King is an active-duty intelligence officer in the United States Navy. Matthew is a member of Trinity as is mother Susan King and his grandparents were members of Trinity as well, George and Frankie King.

The Contemporary Class would like to extend an invitation to the rest of the church to join them in Trinity Hall to hear Matthew speak. Matthew’s topics are:

January 22: “Joining the Navy in the 2020s”

January 29: “The Strategic Thought of Henry Kissinger”

This church-wide event will take place from 10-11 AM.

Monday Morning Bible Study 

 The 9:30 AM Monday morning Bible Study will begin a new study on January 23Surrendered:  Letting Go and Living Like Jesus by Barb Roose is a 6-week video/discussion study and our class meets from 9:30 – 11:00 AM on Monday mornings in Room 324.  If you are interested in participating, contact Deanna McCullough ( and purchase your participant workbook from  We would love for you to join us!  

Journey Together

As we begin a new year, wed like to journey together and talk about ways to share Christs
love in a new way. How can we improve ways to connect to the community around us? How can we be more connectional? What steps do we take to have Gods dream in our lives and Trinity?


Join this conversation and explore ways to live out what we believe. Lets journey together. Lets act together. Our first meeting will be on January 29, 5 PM via zoom. Please let pastor Hung Su ( know if you have any questions.

January 10 Chris Coates, Executive Editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Click to learn more. 

On Tuesday, January 31, 2023, Pub Theology returns. We will meet at Kindred Spirit Brewing. The brewery is in Goochland County at 12830 West Creek Pkwy. Ste J. Start time is 6 PM. The brewery’s community room is reserved for us. The church will order pizza, and we will ask each person in attendance to give $5.00 to offset the cost. Come for the fellowship and conversation about a topic of interest.

Kids and Family Events Upcoming (Save the Dates!)


Parents Night Out on February 11

Spring Fest on March 12

Kids Camp from July 10-14

Please contact Jen Williams ( for more information.


Trinity Students


Confirmation Interest Meeting on January  8, 10 a.m. Parlor

Confirmation Kick-off on January  22, 12 p.m.

Please contact Jenna Bush ( for more information.