June 21 marked our first summer Book Bus trip! We had 193 children visit the bus and take home books. A HUGE SUCCESS for our first trip of the summer!

Thanks to the many volunteers who showed up to help including Karen Adams, Bob Argabright, Dan Nichols, Mary York, Ellen Reaves, and Linda Geho!

The weather was hot, but we had no rain. There were lots of students at each of the four stops – Hillside Court, Minefee/Gunn Streets, Afton Apartments, and Jefferson Trace. Each student who borrowed books received a blue drawstring backpack with the Oak Grove READ logo.

The popular title books that Trinity provided this year through the Suhor Graham Grant were a big hit! There were no Captain Underpants, Diary of a Whimpy Kid, Dork Diary, Fancy Nancy, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Henry & Mudge, Squish, or Harry Potter books left at the end of the day.

Dan helped children pick out appropriate books – a hot job on the bus with no air conditioning running! Bob helped the new CIS staff member working on growing parental involvement make contacts in the neighborhoods.

Teachers scoured the streets around each bus stop encouraging students to join the fun.

There were freeze pops, water bottles, gold fish and apples for snacks – and plenty of hugs as students and teachers reunited (after just a few days apart).

Thanks to Trinity United Methodist for purchasing copies of many of our popular title books and to River Road Church, Baptist for purchasing the snacks and water for our outings! We really appreciate the continued support of our Micah church partners.

The R.E.A.D. summer book bus runs on Tuesday nights from 4-7 PM. If you would like to sign up to help one week, please follow the link below & remember to sign up under volunteers:
http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0d4da9a92ba2f94-summer1/ The weekly Tuesday Book Bus welcomes volunteers who contact CIS Site Coordinator Mary Valenza Mvalenza@cisofrichmond.org.

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