Tuesday, December 25, 2018

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!” Luke 2:14

Merry Christmas

Click to enlarge.

Merry Christmas! First off, props to you for getting out your devotion book on what is likely a busy day with family, church, presents, cooking, etc. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, happy, sad, blessed, thankful, lonely, stressed or anything in between, Christmas of 2018 is here.

Growing up, I remember starting my countdown for the next year’s Christmas right around 12/26. Sure, I was thankful for the presents, but as my parents were busy tracking down obscure batteries for our new toys, my brother and I would already be talking about what we wanted for next year.

Anticipation. It never really leaves us as we get older, does it? What are you anticipating in your own life? Vacations? College? The end of the workweek? Retirement? Graduation? Your kids growing up? Being debt free? Finally becoming a grandparent?

In other words, how do you fill in the blank: I’ll be happier once…

It’s easy to live life in a constant state of anticipation without ever being fully present in the moment and grateful for all of the ways God favors us.

Today we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus’ birth is a gift that none of us deserve and a gift that the rest of the world deserves to hear about. But how many other days of the year do we thank God for the gift of his son? Cultivating a sense of gratitude can begin today by simply closing your eyes and telling God three things you are thankful for.

Merry Christmas!

Jeb Helms



Projects like this depend upon people, people who are willing to commit their time, energy, and creativity to pull all of the pieces together. We took a different approach this year with the photographs. Luckily for us Dianne Moore and Dennis King led the way. Both Dianne and Dennis via their vision took some really neat shots. Last December, an early snowstorm allowed Dennis to capture Trinity’s exterior with the snow altering the landscape.

We sincerely appreciate the writers who committed to meeting the guidelines and deadlines. We are thankful for the support of our Senior Pastor, Larry Lenow, in allowing us to develop the project for a second year. Thanks to Judy Oguich for working with the scripture selections and the framework for the book. Kim Tingler coordinated all of the logistics from the start until the end. Our editor, Shea Tuttle, worked to carefully proof each piece. And just a few miles to the north, Kim Johnson helped us to connect the distribution via hard copy and social media.  Thanks!!  Merry Christmas!!!