There is nothing better than feeling welcome. A warm and friendly welcome can help us to feel that we belong.

There are people all around us that hunger for that welcome feeling.

I do not know about you, but sometimes I am so busy running around trying to take care of things, that I may not help others feel like they belong. I try to greet everyone I see, but I am sure there are times that I am so focused on something, that I do not even notice that someone may need that extra moment to feel welcome.

Jesus shows us so many ways of welcoming people. Jesus always had time to help others feel like they belonged, regardless of how different they were from him. Jesus should be our example, whether it is receiving family, neighbors or friends into our home, greeting visitors at church or welcoming people, we do not know, in our everyday travels. Jesus wants us to welcome all people; no matter their nationality, gender, profession, age, or beliefs.

Jesus even wants us to go beyond just welcoming. He challenges us to find ways to bless others with kindness and share God’s great love with all his children. By doing this we can reflect Jesus and bring praise to God.

Romans 15:7 says: Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.

Let us pray.
Jesus, Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice so we could be welcomed into God’s kingdom. We know that we should welcome all God’s children, but it is not always easy. Help us to get past our busyness, reluctance, focus on our world & friends, fear, or whatever holds us back from welcoming others. Amen

As we focus on Jesus this Lent, let us try to do all we can to follow Jesus’ example and welcome all God’s children.

Leila Denton