When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them.

Luke 24:30

communion chalices and elements

A table is a place where family, friends, neighbors, and guests are invited to gather. My family always gathers at the dining table and shares meals. A lot of things happen at the table. We sit, pray, eat, and talk. When we sit and pray, we are reminded that we are in a circle and can’t live self-sufficiently. The more we pray, the more we become thankful and show a sign of gratitude to God and each other. We feel a sense of belonging at the table because we eat and talk by sharing comfort, joy, laughter, and sorrows.

Two disciples were walking with Jesus toward Emmaus. They didn’t’t recognize Jesus, considering him as a stranger. They invited him to stay because it was evening. They now sat at the table with Jesus.

When Jesus took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them, what did happen? Did they remember times they shared a meal with him, the words that he said to them, and the wonders that he did? Were they enlivened by sitting with the risen Christ, hearing his blessing, smelling baking bread, seeing his gentle gestures of breaking the bread and giving it to them? The downcast faces may have been brightened up through the joy of receiving the bread. They were warmly reminded that they belonged.

Breaking bread means sharing. Jesus creates a culture of hospitality by breaking bread and sharing a deep sense of belonging. I pray and hope that we continue to extend our invitation to the table where God’s love and grace are shared with all.

Rev. Hung Su Lim