a plant blooming--yellow blooms

Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. 

1 Chronicles 16:33

This scripture, as well as the ones surrounding it, are about praising our Lord Almighty, our Creator; however, I would venture to say there are some of us, including myself, that don’t stop to give the Lord the praise He deserves.  The picture that accompanies this scripture represents one aspect of our lives that we can give great praise to the Lord.  We humans interact with the natural environment daily, yet I would venture to say that most of us don’t fully experience it.  We may walk by it, and we may notice it, but we are seeing it with our eyes versus our soul.  As a result, we may not fully appreciate it and give God praise for it.

Lent is a time where we intentionally are trying to show up differently in the world.  A time where we give something up or make a commitment to do something more in order to draw closer to God.  Lord, help us during this Lenten journey.  Help us see all the ways you have blessed us so that we may rejoice and give you praise. 

Molly Mickens