Therefore, it shall be night to you, without vision, and darkness to you, without revelation.

Micah 3:6
a dark sanctuary

I have spent most of my adult life at Trinity training young people to serve as acolytes.  Part of that training includes a discussion of why they do what they do.  And the answer is always the same–they bring the light of Christ into the Sanctuary for our worship service and they take the light of Christ out into the world as we leave the Church building.  They follow the cross of Jesus Christ.  It is powerful symbolism.  It is more than a candle on a pole–it is a visual reminder that we are called to be Christians in all that we do.  Through this “light,” we are able to share our faith through our actions, concerns, and deeds.  But there is more than the light of Christ to share.  For many years, an acolyte processed one of the old Church Record Books into the Sanctuary on All Saint’s Day.  The acolytes learned that their own names were recorded in the Church Record Book on the day they were confirmed.  If they were baptized at Trinity, that was recorded also, as was their parents’ profession of faith, perhaps even their grandparents’ baptism or wedding.  The Record Book goes back over two centuries.  It is the record of all who have gathered here to worship–all who are part of the great family of Christ. We are a family, united by our faith in Jesus Christ.  The light of Christ which we carry out into the world is endless and magnificent.  It provides love, hope, joy, and commitment to a darkened world.  Each of us, as part of His family, takes it with us every time we exit the Church building.  It is more than just a symbol.

It is Christ the Light of the world.

Linda Robinson