Pastor Larry giving ashes

But then a hand touched me and roused me to my hands and knees.

Daniel 10:10

Today’s scripture verse describes something of an awakening.  The prophet Daniel, left in a state of paralysis by a great vision, was awakened by the touch of a hand.  Daniel’s awakening is not a sudden awakening, but a slower, deliberate preparation for the future. How fitting that our Lenten journey begins with touch, the imposition of ashes.  The experience of slowing down, being touched, and entering a time of awareness and reflection.

In considering how this photo relates to the scripture, we were struck by three things.  First, this took place outside of Trinity’s walls.  This is significant because it invites others from the community to experience their own awakening.  Second, we shared this faith-activity as a family.  Lent marks an important part of our spiritual year and by sharing in this experience, we grew together and supported one another.

Last, but not least, when we all first heard about a “drive-through” imposition of ashes, it sounded like a crazy idea.  “We’ve never done this before.”  “What if it rains?”  “What if no one shows up?”  Any number of reasons could be used to discourage this sharing of faith.  And yet we, as a church, continue to show up, serve, and focus on how God is working in our lives.

Let yourself be roused and use this season of Lent for intentionality in faith…as together we strive to become an Easter People.

The Glassmans