Ephesians 6:23: Peace be to the whole community, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

A recent caption from The Family Circus comic strip asks:

“God’s not planning on retiring anytime soon, is He?”

Honestly, when God looks down on the whole world, I’m surprised he hasn’t retired.

He must be frustrated.

Consider these words from Ephesians: “Peace be to the whole community, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The scripture states: “peace be for the whole community,” not just out here in our insulated West End neigborhoods—the “whole community.”

And the writer also instructs us to “love with faith.”

Right now, somewhere in the world a senseless act of violence is taking place.

Where is our “love with faith”?

Can we truly have a peaceful wholeness in our lives when so many of our brothers and sisters don’t?

Maybe, we are not hungry enough for peace.

I need to realize that’s not the way God planned it.

No he needs me to “love with faith” and to pursue peace for the “whole community”— not just out here in the West End, the “whole community.”

Bill Pike