When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

John 8:7

We all know how this goes, no one cast a stone including Jesus. Instead Christ sent her away saying, “Go and sin no more.”

Sin and forgiveness, tough topics. I guess that’s why the Bible is filled with teachings on these two inextricable acts. With the many facets of these two human actions I will narrow my focus by attempting to describe my own reaction to forgiving others.

To begin, I will admit forgiveness can be a struggle, and it often takes time. Frequently, when faced with the feeling of being wronged my initial response is to withhold forgiveness. Instead to wallow in its unfairness, to engage in some self-indulging anger and resentment bringing some temporary satisfaction. Praise God, that it is not permanent, and the satisfaction is replaced with an overflowing of negative emotions, and a deep need for serenity.

This is when I must go to God in order to be freed of this internal disruption. This is only possible through God’s graciousness and peace. It is essential to restoring my soul, re-stabilizing my spiritual equilibrium, and healing my heart.

How others process and respond to the act of forgiveness I do not know, but I believe it can be a challenge for all humans.  During this 2020 season of Lent shall we dedicate ourselves to the practice of extending grace to others? Christ did this until his last breath when he uttered, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)

Jan Booker