Got Rhythm?

Got Rhythm?

Music in Modern Worship at Trinity

If you sing or play a musical instrument; if you love great music, both ancient and modern; if you appreciate timeless hymns and spiritual songs as well as fresh expressions of worship and song; your spirit might just find a musical home on Trinity’s Modern Worship Team.

Our Modern Worship Team is a rotating ensemble of musicians and singers who lead us in song Sunday mornings at 9 o’clock. Whether you play the drums or the violin, the clarinet or the bass, the piano or the guitar, there’s always space on our team for musicians and singers with heart.

Please contact our music director, Aaron Miller, for more information.

Yardwork is Good for Our Souls

Yardwork is Good for Our Souls

Thanks to your financial tithing, and the good work of the Finance Committee and the Trustees, Trinity has an annual contract with a company to maintain our grounds.

However, being good financial stewards, we only contract for certain essential items to be completed each week.

Our grounds take up lots of space, and we have lots of areas that need to be properly maintained beyond the essentials in the contract. If you have your yard properly manicured at home, and you are looking for some more challenges, the Trinity grounds for you will be a good match.

The following areas will need attention during the summer months: Rock Pile Point, Mrs. M’s lot, Veteran’s Memorial Garden, Bicentennial Garden, the 7906 border, Stuart Hall Road green spaces, and assorted beds and borders. If you have an interest in helping to maintain our grounds, please contact Bill Pike.

Using the YouTube TV App

Using the YouTube TV App

Do you have a smart TV?

If so, you may want to experiment with using the YouTube App to worship with Trinity.

As part of our commitment to improving the livestream experience, we have changed streaming providers and we are now officially broadcasting to YouTube on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings.

Our service will still be broadcast to our livestream page ( but we will also be on YouTube.

Whether you plan to use a smart TV to worship or not, we’d love for you to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel, as that will help us promote and enhance our presence.

YouTube vs Vimeo

Our main video archive and hub will still be with Vimeo (you can SUBSCRIBE to Vimeo here) but at this time their TV app does not allow for watching our services live. You can watch Trinity’s videos on your smart TV with the Vimeo app after they have aired live. But, for those who want to worship with Trinity via their smart TV more easily than trying to hook a computer to a TV, we are excited to offer YouTube as an option.

How do I find Trinity?

If you want to find Trinity on your smart TV via the YouTube app, you can follow these steps.
*Please note that all TVs are different, so things may look different depending on your TV.

Open the YouTube App on you TV.

If you have a Gmail or YouTube account, you can log in.
If not you can continue as guest.

Next, you will need to search for Trinity.

You want to search for the phrase Trinity Richmond in order to find us more easily.

(There are LOTS of Trinitys, as you can imagine!)

Be sure you choose OUR Trinity.

Our logo is the Icon.

There are other Trinity Richmond accounts that are NOT us. Our account has our logo as the profile picture.

When we are LIVE you will find our livestream in your search results.

It will have the LIVE icon in the corner.

Selecting that item will take you into our worship service on your TV.

When we are not live, you can select our profile icon and you will be taken to our YouTube account.

We’d love it if you use the subscribe button!

You can watch previous worship services via your TV from our channel.

What about the chat?

We still very much want you to participate in worship via the chat. That will still be at You can still join that via computer or phone. We hope that using your TV for worship will free you up to participate more fully in the chat via phone or other device.

We are excited to offer this new way to participate in worship!

If you run into problems trying to set up your TV app, you can send email to and we can see what we can do to get you connected. Also the more information you can give about what you’ve tried and what is or isn’t working will help us help you more efficiently! Also, please remember that only newer ‘smart’ TVs come equipped with app capability.

Oak Grove-Bellemeade: Ways to Help

Oak Grove-Bellemeade: Ways to Help

Would you like to share your passion for gardening? Please come and share your passion with the youth in the Bellemeade Outdoor Club. We are creating a youth vegetable garden with berry bushes; fruit trees and we also have a bee hive. We are building 30 raised beds, planting berry and fruit trees and enclosing the area in split rail fencing. Our children will hold a farmer’s market once a week. If you want to utilize your passion to change the lives of our children, we welcome you. However, you will discover your life has changed as well. Come visit our rain and pollination garden, nature play area, geology display and Bike Repair shop. We would appreciate any surplus tools that you might donate. We will meet each Saturday beginning March 6 from 1:00-4:00 PM. We welcome volunteers to share your passion for outdoor learning and reading.

Our children have not been in school since March 2020 and their only outlet is with our program.

The address of the park is 1800 Krouse Street. If you are interested email Bob Argabright at or call at 310-1080.

For the past seven years I have organized a Saturday Literacy Academy at the Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School with approximately 50 primarily Hispanic children. This year because of the pandemic we have conducted our literacy program outside in the Bellemeade Park. Each Saturday weather permitting we hold our Outdoor Learning program in Bellemeade Park located at 1800 Krouse Street from 1:00-4:00 PM. I have high school volunteers that participate in various outdoor activities with our students. The pandemic has greatly impacted our children’s exposure to reading and the discussing that follow the reading activity. We will begin meeting with our children on March 6 and I want to be more intentional with their reading block. I have many elementary school level books that lend themselves to great discussions based on life skills, how we treat each other, how special we are as individuals, goal setting and dreaming and other themes.

I’m looking for book readers and discussion leaders that will come to the park from 12:30-2:00 any Saturday that would fit your schedule. You can come one time or if you enjoy the ministry you would be welcome to return. You will be given the book ahead of time and suggested discussion questions. Feel free to develop your own questions or to bring and read your favorite book. You may want our students to read the book and you lead the discussion. That would depend on the ages of the children in your group. At the end of the discussion the students will have a journal to record their thoughts. They may journal about their goals, dreams and career aspirations. What stood out from last week?

An important goal that you have each week is to teach our children to dream and to help them understand a dimension of our world that is new to them.

All of us have people in their lives that made us who we are. You can be that person for our beautiful children. If you are interested in making a difference in our children’s lives contact Bob Argabright at 310-1080 or

Scout Troop 799

Scout Troop 799

TRINITY’S, SCOUT BSA TROOP 799 is looking to restart. If you are interested in working with youth to help them develop character, leadership, and life skills, please let us know!

Annual Conference

Annual Conference

The 241st session of the Virginia Annual Conference, was held in Roanoke, VA, June 15-17, 2023, and focused on the theme, United as One in Mission.
The theme is based on Acts 1:8b, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” NIV

Our three clergy, Rev. Brian Siegle, Rev. HunSu Lim, and Rev. Judy Oguich, represented Trinity along with our three lay members of the Annual Conference, Matt Benton, Andrea Benton, and Ashley Marshall. Art Utley served as a district member at large to help balance the clergy/laity balance of Annual Conference.